Each week there are many opportunities for worship in the Chapel. In addition to the list below, special seasonal services allow the community to live through the Church calendar each year.

See also the full schedule of services.


Daily Offices

Monday to Friday – 8:00 AM, 12:00 noon, & 5:00 PM
The daily offices – that is, “services” or “works” of prayer – are short services (30 minutes or less) led by students every weekday morning, noon, and evening. Each office is structured around recitation of Psalms and two readings from in the Bible. The offices are ususally said rather than sung, with the exception of Fridays. On Fridays at Evening Prayer, a student usually gives a reflection or meditation on a topic of their choosing.

More information about Daily Offices …


Monday – 9:30 PM
Compline is a late-evening service, which marks the end of the day's work and the beginning of a restful night.  It is sung by candlelight, led by a small choir, and lasts about twenty-five minutes.  Compline is a felicitous occasion to unburden oneself from the difficulties of the day.

More information about Compline …

Choral Evensong

Wednesday – 5:00 PM
Choral Evensong is an hour-long service of Evening Prayer in which certain elements of the service are sung by the Chapel Choir. The experience is not dissimilar to an hour-long concert of music from the Renaissance to the 20th century. There are two readings from Scripture and two hymns. The beauty of the choir surrounds the reading of the inspired text in a way that has spoken to the longing of the human heart for five centuries.

More information about choral services …

Solemn Eucharist

Thursday – 5.00 PM (Evening Prayer at 4:45 PM) 
This is the main service of the week - the “University Service” for all students and faculty on campus. In the university chapel tradition, the style of corporate worship is peculiar to the college setting: richly poetic, liturgical, challenging, and countercultural. The Chapel Choir sings some of the best-loved liturgical music from the Renaissance to the present.We gather afterwards in the Senior Common Room for conversation and refreshments.

More information about choral services …

Sunday Mornings

Sunday – 11:00 AM (Morning Prayer at 10:45)
Holy Communion is celebrated in a simple, intimate fellowship.  A student choir leads the worship through music. This is an opportunity to welcome and worship alongside members of the broader Halifax community.

More information about Sunday morning worship …

Daily Holy Communion

Monday at 5:00 PM; Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:00 AM; & Friday at 12:15 noon
The mystery of the Holy Communion, by which we are made partakers with Christ of the divine life and members one of another, is central to the life and mission of the Chapel.  As such, there is a simple, short Holy Communion service every day (without choir or sermon) during which we reflect quietly and inwardly on the Gospel for the week.

More information about daily Holy Communion …