The King’s College Chapel invites students, faculty, and staff to embrace a collegiate life of passion, contemplation, justice, and prayer.


 Chaplain’s Welcome

Welcome to King's! And welcome to the King’s Chapel!

The Chapel building is a quiet space open to the whole King's community of any religion or none from early each morning until late evening. Visit anytime.

Almost everything the Chapel does is run by students, and all students are welcome at every event sponsored by the Chapel. Events include a semi-monastic pattern of daily worship, concerts, open mics, hikes, retreats, social events, and feasts and fasts. Music is a key ingredient to almost everything.

The Chaplain (that's me, Fr Ingalls) is on campus for anyone and everyone who would like a chat or a listening and non-judgemental ear.

Religions and humanistic traditions continue to shape the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world. The Chapel stands as an invitation to bring all of that to our life together at King’s. The University seeks understanding of the whole world and every dimension of human life. It remains to learn to love the world, and the people with whom we share it.

Many folks are searching for a way of life that gathers where our culture scatters, that unites where our culture divides, that goes on seeking the humanity of those we find difficult to understand or love where our culture would have us simply cut them off. In the Chapel, we look to the particular tradition we have received not as a barrier or a problem but as providing the means to be part of this search.

In a word, in the Chapel our delight and our struggle is to love the world we seek to understand in Alumni Hall. This is the world we all inhabit together. So, no matter who you are or what you do or do not believe, welcome!

Under the Mercy,


What is living? The broad hall found
between narrow walls.
What is acknowledging? Finding the one root
under the branches’ tangle.

What is believing? Watching at home
till the time arrives for welcome.
What is forgiving? Pushing your way through thorns
to stand alongside your old enemy.

What is singing? The ancient gifted breath
drawn in creating.
What is labour but making songs
from the wood and the wheat?

From ‘Pa Beth Yw Dyn’, by Waldo Williams

Translated by Rowan Williams


The King’s College Chapel is for all King’s and Dalhousie students of any faith or none. Worship services, lectures, concerts, open mics, all-night vigils, and plays all take place in this space. The Chapel is open from early morning to midnight for anyone to enter and read, pray, sit in quiet contemplation, practise an instrument, etc. The Chapel’s student leadership conduct retreats and hikes each term for King’s and Dalhousie students, faculty and staff, and community members; organize discussions and lectures; run concerts, open mics, poetry nights, and more; and coordinate daily student-led worship.

The Chapel Choir provides beautiful choral Evensong and Eucharist services each week after the fashion of the Oxford and Cambridge collegiate chapels; The Chapel is home to other student-led choirs: the Sunday Morning Choir and the Compline Choir. Each of these choirs leads worship on a weekly basis.

The Chapel, and all that happens in it, is for you and is yours for the taking! Welcome!

For updates, service times, community news, sign up for the Newsletter (Click here or Email the Chaplain)

Accessibility Questionnaire

The King's College Chapel is seeking help in making the chapel more accessible. To participate in our online form, please click the button below. Input from individuals who identify as having a disability is especially helpful.


Activities 2024-2025

Cape Split Hike 2024

Thanksgiving Retreat 2024


Get in Touch



University of King’s College Chapel
6350 Coburg Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2A1


The Rev'd Dr. Ranall Ingalls, Chaplain and Priest-in-Charge
(506) 232-8270
(902) 422-1271 Ext. 140