Fall Retreat
At Mersey River Chalets, near Kejimkujik Park • A contemplative retreat held in the beauty of the Nova Scotian backcountry in autumn • Speaker: Dr Alan Hall, on brokenness and celebration

Cape Split Hike
Join us for our annual hike to Cape Split, one of Nova Scotia's most famous look-offs! We leave the Quad on Saturday morning to drive through the Annapolis Valley to the trailhead, then hike out to the Cape to enjoy a picnic lunch overlooking the Bay of Fundy. On the way back, we stop by Fox Hill Cheese House for some delicious local gelato before heading to a Maritime Meal dinner hosted by a local parish.
Registration forms will be available at the back of the Chapel by Tuesday, Sept 12. To register, pick up a form from the back of the Chapel and submit it to Stephanie Boudreau at the A&A Front Desk. The deadline has been extended to Wednesday, September 20.
Keep an eye out for posters and an ear out for FYP announcements! Questions? Contact Karis Tees as chapeladministrator@ukings.ca.
And check out some photos from past hikes in 2013, 2015, and 2016.